Day 9

Today I continuing my angular learning. Complete all routing part of my Tour-of-Heroes app. Learn router configuring, refactored a tightly-coupled master/detail view into a routed detail view. Apart from it started learning basics of Angular’sHttpClient.

Day 8

Today I did nothing special learning activity. Just revise my previous learning of angular. Build dashbaord component, set routing to dashbaord, also implement RouterModule.forRoot() used to supply services and directives needed for routing. Implement Roouter-Outlet also.

Day 7

Today I did open soruce contribution in PublicLab, try to create a issues and a bit learning of Angular, Started Routing in angular : define route, redirect route, parameterized route in my angular app.

Day 6

Another day with angular learning, learn more about Service, Dependency Injection, Observable and components. Also make some open source contribution. My angular App Link


Today I continuing my angular learning with Angular Services and some open source contribution.


Today I continuing my angular learning. Learn how to generate component without using Angular-CLI, use @Input Decorator, generate Angular-Service, used Angular Dependency Injection, discovered Observable and the RxJS Observable library. Also make a step towards OSS.


Today, I continued to build angular app Tour of Heroes. Learn how to display a list in angular, *ngFor to display list, *ngIf to conditionally include or exclude a block of HTML.


Today I started to build a new angular app named angular-tour-of-heroes. I am building this app using angular tutorial. Learn how to generate new component, implement UppercasePipe, use two-way data binding with ngModel directive, learn AppModule.


Today I started to learn Angularjs. I learn basics of angularjs like : what is angularjs, why i opt to learn it etc. Some useful commands like : installation of Angular CLI (npm install -g @angular/cli), create workspace for an angular app (ng new app-name), to start the server (ng serve --open). Apart from it i also made my first angular app which is nothing bust just a simple page showing some images and links.