Day 59

Today I did work on FQ-Authentication project , implement multer ( fileFilter ) feature, implement httpProgressUpload event in AWS.

Day 58

Today I did work on FQ-Authentication project , complete responsive mode work, did some work with AWS S3 buckets for image uploading.

Day 57

Today I did work on FQ-Authentication project , implement ifsc npm module in backend services.

Day 56

Today I did work in FQ-Authentication project, add responsive mode using UIKIT.

Day 55

Today I did some work with Google Plus API and passport, study Compiler Design.

Day 54

Today I did some work with validation process and authentication api, read about Google Calender API.

Day 53

Today I worked with validation process in angular using ngx-custom-validator and express-validator in FQ-Authentication API.

Day 52

Today I did very less coding as studied my college subject Web Engineering and Compiler Design and did some work on angular project.

Day 51

Today I did work with nodejs and angular project.

Day 50

Today I did work with emailjs, email-templates and complete email sending work regarding authentication, also did some work in angular, learn more of routing and how to use api in angular.