Day 39

Today I worked with featherjs framework and build services, app to implement how to generate database, read blogs on association in mysql and implement some querries in featherjs application.

Day 38

Today I worked on my Nodejs project Event-Appa try to resolve issue related to connect-flash module and revise angular.

Day 37

Today I am getting started with FeatherJs for REST Api work and learn how to make project using cli, how to generate service, how to add authentication in project and what is hooks in FeatherJs.

Day 36

Today I worked on Nodejs Project named Event-Appa, implement connect-flash package although not working properly in project but sill trying to correct the mistakes, read blog on interview question for Nodejs and did some work on angularc project Recipe Book.

Day 35

Today I worked on Nuxtjs and Vuejs Project named getBoarded, complete frontend work using BootStrap-Vue, build simple rendering static pages website.

Day 34

Today I worked on Nodejs Project named Event-Appa, read blogs on REST-Api in Nodejs and how to implement it and did some work on angular project Recipe Book.

Day 33

Today I started a new project in Nodejs named Event-Appa, implement Local-Strategy for authentication and build Database.

Day 32

Today I worked on NuxtJs and VueJs project, build simple static portfolio webiste and implement BootStrap Vue also.

Day 31

Today I worked on angular project Recipe Book, completed Header component and watched angular tutorials.

Day 30

Today I learned more about Vue, implement watch and computed property, did some work with Nuxt and Bootstrap-Vue