Day 49

Today I did some work UIKIT, build more email templates, starting working for connecting email-templates with back-end services.

Day 48

Today I did very less coding, study my college subject Complier Design and read blog on building your own interpreter.

Day 47

Today I did very less coding, study my college subject Complier Design and read blog on building your own interpreter.

Day 46

Today I did some work with UIKIT build some frontend template for future use, read a blog on MJML and implement my Email-Template with nodemailer.

Day 45

Today I learn more of UIKIT, implement is build my portfolio using it, start new angular project, build Email-Template frontend.

Day 44

Today I am getting started with UIKIT for css framework, build normal pages using it, implement various classes, animation etc.

Day 43

Today I did some work on frontend, build email template using only HTML, CSS and read blog on flex css property.

Day 42

Today I did very less work, but revise my nodejs, angular, js and mongodb knowledge for my new internship.

Day 41

Today I read some blogs on Prmoise, implement it, learn resolve, reject state in prmoise, implement error handling and read blogs on express-validator.

Day 40

Today I worked on my Nodejs project Event-Appa, build event-register frontend add backend services for events and change navbar layout and implement first time ngrok.