Asynchronous JavaScript
Javascript code runs on a single thread and hence should be synchronous
in nature. Synchronous code waits for one action to complete before moving
on to next task. But even though JS is considered as single threaded
we are able to perform tasks parallely HOW?
Async/Await in JS
ECMAScript 2017 brought in syntactic sugar on top of Promises
in JavaScript in form of async
and await
. Async/await provides a special syntax to work with promises in a more comfortable fashion. They allow us to write asynchronous Promise-based code in a synchronous manner.
Promises in JS
See the pyramid shape and all the })
at the end? This is affectionately known as callback hell. The cause of callback hell is when people try to write JavaScript in a way where execution happens visually from top to bottom.
Learning Docker - Part 1
Docker is a platform for developers to develop, deploy, and run applications with containers. Deployment of applications using linux containers is called containerization. Containers allow developers to pack up an application with all its libraries and dependencies, allowing them to be portable among any system running Linux.