
Today while sitting on my couch i questioned myself. Is 100DaysOfCode really getting me better? and i got an answer after that immediately i started planning for my Day5. So, here it is:-


I, Rohit Sethi swear to complete #100DaysOfCode to the best of my ability and with true spirit.

Task Completed

On Day 5, I did the following :-

Practiced keras and trained a convolution neural network for facial keypoint detection(15 keypoints).(kaggle)


On Day 5, I learnt the following :-

  1. I studied the mathematics behind categorical cross entropy, binary cross entropy, Focal loss for RetinaNet.

  2. Struggling with the data to make it appropriate for the model.

  3. Checkpointer in keras to observe loss and accuracy.

Today My model accuracy was very bad and I will surely try to improve it tomorrow.

link to the work on Day 5 here