And here comes the second rung. Today, continuing the journey with motivated mind and full energy i wrote my piece of code.
I, Rohit Sethi swear to complete #100DaysOfCode
to the best of my ability and with true spirit.
Task Completed
On Day 2, I did the following :-
Trained a BiLSTM on Toxic comment classification
and achieved a validation accuracy of 98.20%
using pre trained word embeddings
which countered for the overfitting of baseline model.
On Day 2, I learnt the following :-
In detail study of
word embeddings
such as word2vec, Glove, fasttext and using their pre-trained embeddings directly.dropout
parameter in LSTM.Training BiLSTM with keras.
accuracy, loss, val_accuracy, val_loss with plotting after each epoch.
link to the work on Day 2 here