Today i had my interview
at IIT-Delhi
for the position of research associate
. I was asked a lot of mathematics and was grilled with practical deep learning questions which i crossed intelligently.
I was selected for the next round But unfortunately they canceled the internship drive as they wanted graduates to work for them and i being a undergraduate was underqualified. It was a great experience for me, It built me confidence for any further interviews. Now, I will apply for various other internships and work on the gaps left in my learning.
I, Rohit Sethi swear to complete #100DaysOfCode
to the best of my ability and with true spirit.
Task Completed
On Day 15, I did the following :-
Studied in-detail mathematics and tried to find a way handling very large datasets to feed into huge models.
On Day 15, I learnt the following :-
Confidence is the Key to a good interview.
Identified gaps in my learning.